Don’t Let A Small Problem Become A Big One

Have you received a demand letter or been sued for a copyright violation? Get a free consultation from an expert lawyer.

Did you receive a demand letter as a result of an alleged copyright infringement from Getty Images?

These demands are serious matters. US Copyright Law provides big penalties, even when you did not profit from your use of the image or you thought it was free. That being said, there are often ways to fight back and challenge the demands. Fighting back can often result in you paying less than demanded or nothing at all.

However, you will need a competent lawyer who is skilled at challenging these tactics. Do not trust the outcome of a serious legal matter to advice from bloggers who are there to give you bad advice for free in hopes of you paying for more advice when you get in deep legal trouble.

Get in contact with a trained an experienced attorney who can get you the best result possible. An attorney can possibly save you thousands of dollars and reduce the chances of legal nightmares.  Prices vary by attorney and by case.   Here are sample prices:  Pre-litigation negotiation only packages start at $1,499.   Full service legal representation (after law suit is filed) starts at $9,500.  Most attorneys will provide a free consultation.  If you cannot afford an attorney, contact the legal aid society or law library in your county.

Who is Getty Images?

Getty Images is a mega stock photography agency. They are a global company. The typically handle cases internally during the negotiation stage and then, if no settlement is reached, send the case to one of several law firms. Their typical demand in the negotiation stage seems to be between $500 to $2,000, once the claim because a lawsuit, the demand amount usually triples.

Chances of Lawsuit

Typical Lawsuit Amount

$500 – $2k

Date FiledPlaintiffDefendantCourt Case #Demand AmountStatus
7/1/2017Omar LongArcher Design LLC23423432$25,000Active
7/1/2017Omar LongLimoworld Inc988584Dismissed

Fight back!

Reduce the chances of
getting sued

Pay less than they are demanding or nothing at all

Get expert advice from real lawyers (not bloggers)

Request to be contacted by an attorney who specializes in fighting these law firms. We will provide you with an attorney if an appropriate match is available for your area.

If you do not receive a match within 4 hours you can assume we do not have one available in your area.